Kiwanis Meeting Protocol

Kiwanis Meeting Protocol

Protocol provides for good manners and etiquette observed during meetings and special courtesy, dignity and respect shown for visitors, especially Kiwanis division, district and/or international officers. The important meeting protocols are shown below (those highlighted in yellow are of particular interest). These protocols are based in part on custom and the official Kiwanis style guide.


1.     All meetings should start and end on time and a motion is required to extend the meeting time beyond an hour and a half.

2.     The president should recognize achievements of individuals and committees and express the thanks of the club at every meeting.

3.     Kiwanis titles should be used by all members, some frequently used titles are:



President, distinguished president (DP), president elect (PE), past president (PP), director (Dir), past director (PD), Chairman (Chm), Kiwanian (Kiw) etc. Note there is no title of past chairman.


lieutenant governor (LG), past lieutenant governor (PLG), distinguished Lieutenant governor (DLG), distinguished lieutenant governor of excellence (DLGE) etc.


4.     You should address officers between the election and October 1 as Designate, e.g. President Designate (PD), President Elect Designate (PED) etc.

5.     You should provide notice to other clubs when interclubing.

6.     Alert the lieutenant governor to special programs as early as possible. See that they have a copy of the agenda ahead of time, when possible. Provide all details of time, location, dress, etc.

7.     The official visit(s) of the lieutenant governor to a club is important and there should be no other speakers for this meeting.

8.     Introductions: Recognize the MC first then the following order should apply, with the highest current ranking officer first, with titles:

·      Any current Kiwanis International Officer.

·      District Governor

·      District Governor-elect

·      Standing Lieutenant Governor

·      Past Kiwanis International Officers

·      Past District Governors (oldest year served first, if possible)

·      Past Lieutenant Governors (oldest in year served first, if possible)

·      City or Town Officials, speaker, special guests, etc.

9.     Traditional Kiwanis practice dictates that all club members, in respect for the office, should rise and applaud when their lieutenant governor, governor, member of Kiwanis International Board is introduced.

10.  If the club invites the governor or lieutenant governor, the club assumes all expenses except for transportation and lodging. Always ask the governor or lieutenant governor when in attendance, if they would like to say a few words.

11.  The program chairperson should announce upcoming speakers at least a week or more in advance.

12.  The club president or some designated person should thank the speaker and offer a recognition item if it is the custom of the club.

13.  The governor's official visit to the division is the responsibility of the home club of the lieutenant governor. This is the time to hear and honor the governor.

14.  The president should report club board action to the club at the club meeting following the board meeting.

15.  Kiwanis Protocol – Seating

The president of the club takes precedence over all International and district officers present and should occupy the center position. The positions of honor then alternate from right to left, down to the end of the head table. These positions are assigned according to the following order of precedence:

Presiding Officer or Master of Ceremonies (first seat left of the lectern)

Speaker (first seat right of the lectern)


Present District Officer(s)

Present International Officer(s)

Other Dais guests e.g. Club Secretary

When spouses are included, they should be seated next to their husbands, wives, partners. Whenever possible ladies should not be seated at the end of the dais. Past District Governors/Lieutenant Governors and their guests should be seated at reserved tables.

16.  The District Governor shall be the presiding officer at all District banquets and other District sponsored functions, except that the Immediate Past Governor shall preside at any installation ceremony of District Officers or any District function honoring the Governor.

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